**Arduino ascii art modified for mark deep.** This is an unofficial Neocities mirror of the MarkDeep[1] version of DUCKMAN's ASCII arduinos[2], as well as /u/plasticluthier's ASCII Arduino Nano[3]. Markdeep was created by Morgan McGuire at Casual Effects with inspiration from John Gruber's Markdown. One of its features is support for ASCII diagrams, as demonstrated here. To see the unformatted text, [click here](http://blindedcyclops.neocities.org/asciiino/arduino.md.html?noformat) or turn off JavaScript. ******************************************************************** * .-----. * * .----[PWR]-------------------| USB |--. * * | '-----' | * * | GND/RST2 [ ][ ] | * * | MOSI2/SCK2 [ ][ ] A5/SCL[ ] | C5 * * | 5V/MISO2 [ ][ ] A4/SDA[ ] | C4 * * | AREF[ ] | * * | AREF[ ] | * * | GND[ ] | * * | [ ]NC SCK/13[ ] | B5 * * | [ ]v.ref MISO/12[ ] | . * * | [ ]RST MOSI/11[ ]~| . * * | [ ]3V3 +---+ 10[ ]~| . * * | [ ]5v | A | 9[ ]~| . * * | [ ]GND -| R |- 8[ ] | B0 * * | [ ]GND -| D |- | * * | [ ]Vin -| U |- 7[ ] | D7 * * | -| I |- 6[ ]~| . * * | [ ]A0 -| N |- 5[ ]~| . * * | [ ]A1 -| O |- 4[ ] | . * * | [ ]A2 +---+ INT1/3[ ]~| . * * | [ ]A3 INT0/2[ ] | . * * | [ ]A4/SDA RST SCK MISO TX>1[ ] | . * * | [ ]A5/SCL [ ] [ ] [ ] RX<0[ ] | D0 * * | [ ] [ ] [ ] | * * '--. .--------' * * \_______________________/ * * * * * * HTTP://BUSYDUCKS.COM/ASCII-ART-ARDUINOS * ******************************************************************** **************************************************************************************** * * * .-----. * * .----[PWR]-------------------| USB |--. * * | '-----' | * * | GND/RST2 [ ] [ ] | * * | MOSI2/SCK2 [ ] [ ] SCL[ ] | D0 * * | 5V/MISO2 [ ] [ ] SDA[ ] | D1 * * | AREF[ ] | * * | GND[ ] | * * | [ ]NC SCK/13[ ]~| B7 * * | [ ]v.ref MISO/12[ ]~| B6 * * | [ ]RST MOSI/11[ ]~| B5 * * | [ ]3V3 +----------+ 10[ ]~| B4 * * | [ ]5v | ARDUINO | 9[ ]~| H6 * * | [ ]GND | MEGA | 8[ ]~| H5 * * | [ ]GND +----------+ | * * | [ ]Vin 7[ ]~| H4 * * | 6[ ]~| H3 * * | [ ]A0 5[ ]~| E3 * * | [ ]A1 4[ ]~| G5 * * | [ ]A2 INT5/3[ ]~| E5 * * | [ ]A3 INT4/2[ ]~| E4 * * | [ ]A4 TX>1[ ]~| E1 * * | [ ]A5 RX<0[ ]~| E0 * * | [ ]A6 | * * | [ ]A7 TX3/14[ ] | J1 * * | RX3/15[ ] | J0 * * | [ ]A8 TX2/16[ ] | H1 * * | [ ]A9 RX2/17[ ] | H0 * * | [ ]A10 TX1/INT3/18[ ] | D3 * * | [ ]A11 RX1/INT2/19[ ] | D2 * * | [ ]A12 I2C-SDA/INT1/20[ ] | D1 * * | [ ]A13 I2C-SCL/INT0/21[ ] | D0 * * | [ ]A14 | * * | [ ]A15 | PORTS * * | RST SCK MISO | 22=A0 23=A1 * * | ICSP [ ] [ ] [ ] | 24=A2 25=A3 * * | [ ] [ ] [ ] | 26=A4 27=A5 * * | GND MOSI 5V | 28=A6 29=A7 * * | G | 30=C7 31=C6 * * | N 5 5 4 4 4 4 4 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 5 | 32=C5 33=C4 * * | D 2 0 8 6 4 2 0 8 6 4 2 0 8 6 4 2 V | 34=C3 35=C2 * * | ~ ~ | 36=C1 37=C0 * * | @ # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # @ | 38=D7 39=G2 * * | @ # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # @ | 40=G1 41=G0 * * | ~ | 42=L7 43=L6 * * | G 5 5 4 4 4 4 4 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 5 | 44=L5 45=L4 * * | N 3 1 9 7 5 3 1 9 7 5 3 1 9 7 5 3 V | 46=L3 47=L2 * * | D | 48=L1 49=L0 SPI: * * | | 50=B3 51=B2 50=MISO 51=MOSI * * | 2560 | 52=B1 53=B0 52=SCK 53=SS * * '--. .--------' * * \_______________________/ * * * * * * HTTP://BUSYDUCKS.COM/ASCII-ART-ARDUINOS * **************************************************************************************** [Arduino Nano by /u/plasticluthier](https://www.reddit.com/r/arduino/comments/3tb0d2/i_made_some_asciiart_arduinos_to_paste_in/cx5oyjp): ******************************************** * .-----. * * .-----------| USB |-----------. * * | '-----' | * * | [ ]D13/SCK MISO/D12[ ] | * * | [ ]3.3V MOSI/D11[ ]~| * * | [ ]V.ref SS/D10[ ]~| * * | [ ]A0 D9[ ]~| * * | [ ]A1 D8[ ] | * * | [ ]A2 D7[ ] | * * | [ ]A3 D6[ ]~| * * | [ ]A4 D5[ ]~| * * | [ ]A5/SCL D4[ ] | * * | [ ]A6/SDA INT1/D3[ ]~| * * | [ ]A7 INT0/D2[ ] | * * | [ ]5V GND[ ] | * * | [ ]RST RST[ ] | * * | [ ]GND 5V MOSI GND TX1[ ] | * * | [ ]Vin [ ] [ ] [ ] RX1[ ] | * * | [ ] [ ] [ ] | * * | MISO SCK RST | * * '-NANO-V3---------------------' * * * ******************************************** Sources: [1]: http://casual-effects.com/markdeep/ [2]: http://busyducks.com/wp_4_1/2015/11/16/ascii-art-arduino-pinouts/ [3]: https://www.reddit.com/r/arduino/comments/3tb0d2/i_made_some_asciiart_arduinos_to_paste_in/cx5oyjp